Quilters Corner Club

Alison's Weekend SPRING Mystery Quilt

Our First Mystery at QCC Designed by our moderator Alison Luff!! Alison's Weekend Mystery is a fast, easy to follow project that can be done in just one weekend! (Or even a day if you wanted to). This will make a wallhanging size quilt.
When choosing your fabrics "THINK SPRING!!" Her step by step instructions and pictures are very easy to follow!!  Thanks for sharing Alison!!  E-mail me  pics of your completed projects for the site! (Put "Alisons Spring Mystery" In the subject line)....

Fabric requirements and Cutting instructions

Scrappy Pieces should be bright and very contrasting

Background should be white or Pale and highly contrast with every other color.

If you are someone who prefers a more organized symmetrical look make sure to do your charms in even # sets. Example 4 green 4 Blue 4 Red 3 3/8" squares. I will be doing batik 3 3/8" squares with tone on tone/Solids for the other scrappy squares and a WOW background (BG).

20 - 3 3/8" squares scrappy

36 - 3" squares scrappy

16 - 3" squares BG

12 - 2 ½" squares BG

8-    2 ½ x 4 ½" rectangles BG

2 –  1 1/2"x 3 1/2" BG strip

1 –  1 1/2"x14 1/2" Black (unless you are doing the background Black then it should be Grey)











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