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FREE Quilting Clipart and Graphics!
The clipart seen here was designed by me to share with all who visit
the site! THESE ARE FOR Personal Use ONLY! Not to be added to any online downloading collections, or sold
in any way. They MAY be used on your websites, in craft projects etc...
Simply right click on the image to save it to your computer! Click save as, save picture as, or save target
as, and save it to your desktop! ENJOY! Check back I will be adding more to this collection!
Goose Tracks Quilt Tile |
Fool's Square Quilt Tile |
Melon Patch Quilt Tile |
9 Patch Star Quilt Tile |
4 X Star Quilt Tile |
Orange Peel Quilt Tile |
Kansas Troubles Quilt Tile |
Clay's Choice Quilt Tile |
Mosaic Quilt Tile |
Double Star Quilt Tile |
Clay's Choice Quilt Tile |
Crossed Canoes Quilt Tile |
Check out my original Designs on quality products:
Your support allows me to stay
home with my children, and have time to design free patterns and maintain this website. Thank You.
If you enjoy these clipart graphics, and our site, please sign my guestbook, and let
me know! :O)