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Quilter's Corner Club Quilts For Kids Comfort Quilting Project:
The Quilts for Kids effort is coordinated by one of our club moderators, Joan McGlaughlin.
She is accepting blocks, quilts, fabric, and postage donations,
as well as any monetary donations, to help cover the expenses involved in this project.
These donations are used to make quilts, which are sent to the
Quilts For Kids Foundation. You can visit their website here. The quilt tops we send them are quilted by the coordinators of QFK, and then given to sick and needy children.
Joan hosts several different activities within the group in order
to collect quilt blocks, to be assembled into the quilts.
The monthly Charity block lotto:
in which half of the blocks are used to make the beautiful
quilts! And the Other Half raised go to the WINNER of the lotto!! This is a great FUN way to help a worthwhile cause! Joan
has different themes each month, which result in some VERY BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE quilt tops! Please click the box below to
learn more about the QFK Lotto.
Joan hosts this challenge, in which you send her $1 and
a self addressed stamped envelope, and she mails you back several some 7" paper pieced patterns and fabric pieces to use in
making the blocks. You then complete the blocks and send them back to her, to be used for the SPECTACULAR Sailboat/seashore
quilts she assembles with them! Please click her name to e-mail her privately about this activity: Joan McGlaughlin
Thanks go out to Joan for all her time and hard work in
this project, and to our members who help make it happen!
Other Ways To Help:
Join the block lotto, you are helping children and can win some great
blocks for yourself....
Send in some orphan blocks you are not using, or any
unwanted fabric scraps....
Make a quilt top and mail to Joan to be donated to the
Quilts For Kids Foundation....
Send postage stamp, Joannes fabric gift cards, any unwanted
threads, fabrics, ect...
Send a Monetary donation to Joan to help cover some of
her expenses.
Thanks for everyone’s help so far!! With your help WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the lives of sick children
By Providing them with something Warm, they can hug, and hold on to!